TruckRefunds - BGV-Bundesvereinigung Güter-Transport u. Verkehr

BGV-Bundesvereinigung Güter-Transport u. Verkehr
Verbandsarbeit der dritten Art innovativ zeitgemäß zukunftsweisend
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Did you buy or lease trucks between 2007 and 2016?
We bring light into the fog of irritation...

Until the end of November 2022, you still have the option of recovering 8 to 15% of the purchase price at that time.

If you have not yet done so, you should urgently click on the following banner to arrange your personal consultation date with our specialist Mr. Lars Hommrich today.

Because here we offer you an absolutely risk-free possibility; Assert your claims without prejudice, without charging your good relationship with the trader of your trust.

Do not let your claims expire and make your personal consultation appointment with Mr. Hommrich today.
Let no more precious time pass, but book your non-binding consultation date today!

Bundesvereinigung Güter-Transport & Verkehr
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